The development team here at Insercorp is proud to release the Advanced Ads Manager 3.0! This upgrade applies to iPlasmaCMS2 websites using the Advanced Ads Manager Module. This new update includes the ability to add and manage Advertisers which can be used to generate reports.
Advanced Ads Manager 3.0
New Features
- Advertisers
- Website Administrators can now Add, Edit, and Remove Advertisers
- Website Administrators can assign Ads to Advertisers
- Website Administrators can now sort and filter Ads by Advertiser
- NEW Advertiser dashboard includes statistics, advertiser contact information, and the ability to generate Reports
- Reports
- Website Administrators can now generate Reports by Advertiser
- Reports can be displayed with Ad previews showing in the report
- Reports can be filtered by Ad start/expiration date ranges, Ad Zones, and/or individual Ads
- Select Ads to display reports for by using the check boxes in the Advertiser dashboard
- Printing custom reports is made easy with a "Print Report" button
Bug Fixes
- Previously when adding or editing an Ad the time value for scheduling when the Ad Started or Expired would not update, staying at the default values. The bug has been fixed so that the Start and Expire times now properly update.

The New Dashboard Contains a new Advertisers Block on the right side of the screen and an Advertiser column in the Recent Ads Block

This is the new Advertiser Report view where you can toggle the image to show. If the image is toggled here it will be visible on the print view

You can print the report from this screen, It will have your website name generated from the top as well as any image preview that you had toggled on the previous page