The Insercorp Development Team has released updates to iPlasmaCMS2 which includes new meta tags to enhance the SEO of your website, updates to the Print-friendly pages, as well as bug fixes and improvements for displaying embedded YouTube videos.
Added meta tag http-equiv: “text/html; charset=UTF-8” to global website templates to alert web browsers of the markup and character set and to improve search indexing
Added robots meta tag to the module views setting them to “index,follow” which tells Search Engine crawlers (i.e. “bots” or “robots”) to index module content and follow any links within the content to index.
Added robots meta tag to the Pages “Maintenance Mode” setting them to “nocache” which prevents the Search Engines from caching a Page’s Maintenance message.
Added robots meta tag to the Password protected Pages, setting them to “noindex,nofollow”, which prevents Search Engines from indexing password-protected pages and prevents them from attempting to access content beyond the login gate.
A previous update to the robots meta tags failed to detect whether a Page was set to show in the Sitemap, defaulting to “noindex”. This has been updated so that if a Page is set as ‘visible’ in the Sitemap it will automatically set the robots meta tag for the Page to “index,follow”.
In a previous update, the reverse breadcrumb trail was inadvertently removed from the Website Title tag for content Pages. The Website Title tag for content Pages has been updated to properly display the reverse breadcrumb trail in the Website Title.
Updated the ogtitle meta tag to include reverse breadcrumb trail of Pages.
Added lang=”en” attribute to the opening <html> tag for the content page print view to alert web browsers that English is set as the website’s native language when triggering the “Print” function on content pages.
Updated the doctype declaration of content page print views from XHTML 1.0 Transitional (<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">) to HTML5 (<!DOCTYPE html>) because the Insercorp Development Team has effectively discontinued use of XHTML markup.
Previously, when a YouTube video was added to a Page using the WYSIWYG Editor “Insert Embed Code” button the video size dimensions were reset by the WYSIWYG Editor, resulting in embedded videos displaying at smaller sizes. This has been fixed so that when a YouTube video is embedded it is now wrapped in a layer which causes the embedded player to scale to fill the content area of the Page it was inserted on.