The What You See Is What You Get editor, or WYSIWYG (wizzy-wig), is found throughout iPlasmaCMS2 and used as the primary text editing tool. It is used to create and edit content in pages and other areas of the website. This portion of the tutorial will teach you how to use the WYSIWYG to effectively manage your website’s content.
This is the toolbar of the WYSIWYG. Each button allows you to customize your content in different ways. Throughout the rest of this section, you will learn about what each button does and how it will affect your content.
- 1.2.01 Save/Cut/Copy/Paste
- 1.2.02 Find and Find/Replace
- 1.2.03 Lists
- 1.2.04 Indent
- 1.2.05 Block Quote
- 1.2.06 Undo/Redo
- 1.2.07 Insert/Edit Link
- 1.2.08 Insert Images
- 1.2.09 Insert Embed Code
- 1.2.10 HTML Source Code and Full Screen
- 1.2.11 Creating and Formatting Tables
- 1.2.12 Subscript and Superscript
- 1.2.13 Symbols and Emoticons
- 1.2.14 Horizontal Rule
- 1.2.15 Insert Current Date/Time
- 1.2.16 Spell Checker
- 1.2.17 Cleanup Messy Code and Remove Formatting
Previous: Logging into the CMS Table of Contents Next: Save/Cut/Copy/Replace